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Are you conscious of the language you use with your players? Do you understand the difference between praise and affirmation?
Professor Stephen Rollnick is a world renowned motivational interviewer and psychologist. In this Masterclass Discussion, PDP Lead Researcher, James Vaughan hosts Professor Rollnick to discuss his pioneering research in motivational interviewing, the importance of two-way, empathetic communication between players and coach & more.
Don’t miss this excellent discussion with one of the most progressive thinkers in coach and player development.
Read More:
Praise vs. Affirmation
140 Character Coaching
Q&A: What are some different communication strategies I can use with my players?
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Prof. Stephen Rollnick
Stephen Rollnick is Honorary Distinguished Professor in the School of Medicine, Cardiff University. He was a practicing psychologist in the UK National Health Service for 16 years, and then became a teacher and researcher on the subject of motivation and behavior change. He is a co-founder of motivational interviewing and has written many books on this subject, including the most recent one for school teachers, along with over 100 peer reviewed academic papers. He has trained people in many countries and continents, has worked extensively on behalf of children with HIV in Africa, and is currently pursuing an interest in sports coaching. He grew up in Cape Town, South Africa, now lives in Cardiff, Wales, and restricts his sporting life to tennis and being heckled by four children.