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Sport New Zealand Logo

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How much is too much when it comes to youth sport?

How much is too much when it comes to youth sport?

Creating a positive parent culture

Creating a positive parent culture

Running good trials and selections

Running good trials and selections

Balanced Female Health

Balanced Female Health

How to Contribute

The Balance is Better website is a collaborative resource for the whole sports sector, and we want to profile individuals and organisations doing great work in the area of youth sport. If you have a story to share, whether it’s just an idea or already written, we’d love to hear from you.

Who to contact

Please send your ideas, articles or previous blog posts to [email protected].

We will get you setup with your own profile as a contributor, and can give guidance on topics and themes. See more details below.

Writing Guidelines

If you are a contributor to our website, please read the following writing guidelines.

We follow the UIU principle of content production

No matter what you’re writing about, the benchmark for every single article should be to make it Unique, Interesting and Useful.


Does this article stand out from everything else that has been written on this topic? It doesn’t matter if something has been covered a thousand times; find an angle of approach that makes yours the best.


Does this post entice the reader to keep going at every point? Are you using stories, images, research, or other devices to make the post not just readable, but irresistible?


Is there a practical application outlined in this content? Do you make it clear what that something is?

Content themes

The single minded proposition of the website is: Changing the face of youth sport in NZ.

Within this, six specific content pillars have been identified. Each new article submission needs to fit into one of the pillars to ensure it is aligned with the websites core proposition.

  • Coaching Fundamentals
  • Development Coaches
  • Sports Parents
  • Secondary School Sport
  • Case Studies
  • Sport Leadership

Writing style

Our articles need to be at a level that they appeal to the coaching community across the board. We want everyone from grassroots parents to coaching experts to enjoy our content and have them leave learning something.

Sport NZ encourages diversity and we always want to hear a range of voices or ideas. We are looking for writers who can engage and captivate our reader with new ways of thinking or interesting stories, and provide research or evidence to back up ideas. We have very high standards in what we aim to deliver. We therefore have a policy of open, honest feedback, be it to each other or to our contributors. We will work with you to make sure your article or story is ready for publication on our website.

The publishing process

When you submit your work it will be peer reviewed by the Sport NZ team and we will provide feedback. Once that deadline is met, Sport NZ will review the content and work with you on your submission. You will then get a chance to approve any changes and it will go to the editing team for a final draft

Who to contact

Please send your ideas, articles, previous blog posts or resume to the contacts below. If you are approved as a contributor, we can then give guidance on topics/themes and deadlines. See details below:

[email protected]
