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How much is too much when it comes to youth sport?

How much is too much when it comes to youth sport?

Creating a positive parent culture

Creating a positive parent culture

Running good trials and selections

Running good trials and selections

Balanced Female Health

Balanced Female Health

Aktive Women: An Interview with Simone Spencer

In this interview, Dave Wright is joined by Simone Spencer from Aktive for an in depth discussion on women and girls youth sport, female coach development initiatives and creating learning environments for young people.

Simone Spencer is the Women’s & Girls Manager at Aktive Auckland. Simone shares some excellent advice for coaches across codes on how to engage youth participants, encourage decision-making and we dive into some of the challenges facing women’s sport, particularly around participation, socio-cultural influences and coaching approaches.

If you’re a developing coach, a parent of a youth sport participant or interested in getting involved in youth sport, then this interview will provide some fantastic advice and ideas for you.

To learn more about Aktive click here.

Image Credit: Deposit Photos

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